Biolog Webinar - How cells survive anti-microbial drugs with Dr. Mehmet Orman

04 Feb, 2021

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Date: Thursday, February 4, 2021
Time: 9:00 AM Pacific Standard Time (PST)

12:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST)

Persister Cells Evade Killing by Antimicrobial and Anticancer Compounds


Biolog invites you to a special webinar featuring our guest speaker:

Dr. Mehmet Orman
Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Houston


WB 02042021 MP

Webinar Topics Include: 

Persistence, observed in many eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell types, is a transient cell sate that allows organisms to temporarily survive unusually high levels of drugs

Despite their non-proliferating state, persister cells have an active, but unique, metabolism that regulates their reversible switching and maintenance


We incorporated the use of Phenotype MicroArrays™ for examining metabolic activity in different cell types


Our results confirm that metabolism represents a rich source of targets for anti-persistence strategies


Click below to register for the webinar

9:00 AM Pacific Standard Time (PST)

11:00 AM Central Standard Time (CST)

12:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST)

6:00 PM Central European Time (CET)




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If you are interested in this webinar and cannot attend the scheduled time, please register and we will send you a link to the recording of the webinar